Singrim Boldpebble

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Singrim Boldpebble is one of the three playable characters in Tales & Tactics.


Singrim, otherwise known as Sing, is a gnome wizard who graduated from the top of their class and went on to become a professor.

Singrim enrolled in The Grand Tournament as an opportunity to do something different and to meet new people - with a particular hope to find their true love.


  • Hyperfocus: If you have Stage 2 of a Trait active, your units gain +2 Mana Regen.
  • Reagent License: The shop withh now sell Lucky Clovers and Starcaller Shards. Gain 5 Gold.
  • The Lovers: Start the run with two Uncommon units.
  • Professor's Strategies: Start the run with a choice between unit-based Perks.
    • Advanced Curriculum: Gain a Lucky Clover. Consumables that grant Units aren't restricted by Rarity.
    • Twin Primes: If you have two copies of the same Unit in play, both get +10 Armor, +20% Attack Damage and +30 Spell Power.
    • Tenure: If you have at least two Stage 2 Traits active, your units deal 25% more damage.