Wiki Style Guide

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These guidelines are in place to ensure consistency across the whole wiki. Changes to this guide can be proposed on our Discord.

Language & Formatting

  • Use American English as in keeping with the game, with correct grammar and spelling.
    • For example "armor" should be used rather than "armour".
  • Do not post opinions as fact. Where writing about strategies, any recommendations should be backed up by a trusted source, with a link provided where necessary.
    • For example, "As recommended in the Compendium" or "As recommended by the developers in [article/stream/etc. info]".
  • Do not use formatting quirks.
    • These include underline, ALL CAPS, incorrectly used s p a c e s, or coloured text.

Creating Pages

  • Plurals should not be used in page titles, unless essential to make sense.
    • For example, "Trait" should be used rather than "Traits". Meanwhile "Stats" is acceptable.
  • Do not create pages for topics with minimal information, when a page already covers the topic more broadly. It is often better to expand existing pages rather than to create a new one.
    • For example, a page is not necessary for "Vanguard" when the topic is already summarised in "Archetype".
  • Where creating a page for a subject that already has pages of a similar type, try to match the established style and type of information.
    • You can find similar pages by looking through the list of Categories.
  • All pages should be added to at least one Category (in addition to the Stub category if required). Category markers should be added to the very top of the page for easy access, next to the Stub marker where used.


  • Follow established image naming conventions where they exist, e.g. for units.
  • Where there is an established naming convention, and you do not have access to an image to upload, you can insert the file name as a placeholder. It will then show on the Wanted Files special page to flag it as missing. Be aware that this page does not list missing files within infoboxes.
  • File names must be typed exactly to display on the page.
    • There is a difference between Craggus.PNG and Craggus.png