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Tales are the Rooms in each Region.

You can search the wiki for a specific Tale on the category page.

Types of Tales

Combat Tales

Combat Tales are exactly what they sound like. Apart from the Newbie and Unlucky Lass, the player will always be given a choice between two Combat Tales. Each Combatant will show their main army traits and their rewards. When Combatant Effects are enabled (which is unlocked with Ancestral Power), they will also display special effects that affect both your army and theirs. If Devil's Deal is unlocked, it may appear after selecting a Combat Tale. By default, losing a Combat will result in two lost hearts and winning a Combat will restore a heart, if you are not at your maximum hearts. Even if you lose the fight, you will still gain the Combat rewards

Region Tales

In Act 1 and 2, the 4th Tale will be a Region Tale. The player will have a choice between two Region Tales.

After selecting a Region Tale, there will be a short story followed by 3 choices. Each choice will always have a reward of some kind. Some may have costs (gold, star points, or gaining curses) and some may have restrictions. Some will also continue into another set of choices as indicated by [find an image of the ... choice].

They are called Region Tales because each Region has a specific set of Region Tales. For example The Golden Serpent Tale is only available in The Golden Desert Region.

Grand Tournament Region Tales
The Golden Desert Region Tales
Hexad City Region Tales
Bana'al Caverns Region Tales
Clockwerk Industries Region Tales

Road Tales

One of these Tales will always be available for the first and third Tale of Act 1 and 2. If Bounty Tales are not unlocked, there will only be one Road Tale to "choose" from. Road Tales look very similar to Region Tales. They give a short story and then 3 options. The first option is usually a small reward. The second will be a greater reward with a Curse Cost. The third option will be "Disenchant Shrine", either granting the Shrine's Blessing Perk or upgrading the Shrine's Blessing Perk to the next tier. Unlike Region Tales, nearly any Road Tale can be encountered in Act 1 or 2. The Stone of Summoning will not appear as the first Road Tale.

Road Tales

Bounty Tales

Once unlocked, Bounty Tales will always show up as the second option for the first and third Tale of Act 1 and 2 alongside the Road Tale. It will always be titled "Accept a Side Quest." The Side Quests are divided into 6 different levels, where each level will always have the same type of request and the same reward. The first Bounty Tale will always have levels 1-3. The second will always have levels 2-4 and so on. This includes if you did not go to a previous Bounty Tale. So if you did not go to it in Act 1, the first Act 2 Bounty Tale will be levels 3-5. Additionally, the specific request and reward is set for the run. This means if you see Crosby and a Ring as the level 3 quest in Act 1, when you visit the first Bounty Tale in Act 2, the first quest will still be Crosby and a Ring reward.

Level 1 Quest: Simple Aid

This Quest will always be any Tier 2 Common. You cannot use a Tier 2 Uncommon [Citation Needed], but you can use a Tier 3+ Common (I believe yesterday on stream, Michael said a Tier 4 Common can't be used for the Tier 3 Common Quest, but that's intended to be fixed). The reward is +3XP, a Lifeline, and a Lucky Charm.

Note: This level of Quest is only available at the first Tale of Act 1.

Level 2 Quest: Trait Request

This Quest will ask for a Tier 2 of a random Trait. Remember that while the trait is random, it will remain the same if you visit the Bounty Tale again. The reward is +4XP, a Lifeline, and a Rallying Horn.

Note: This level of Quest will not be available in the Act 2.

Level 3 Quest: Common Aid

This Quest will ask for a Tier 2 of a specific Common Unit. The reward is +5XP, a Lifeline, and a random item component. Again, while the unit and item component is random, they remain the same for the rest of the Bounty Tales in the run.

Level 4 Quest: Need a Guard

This quest will ask for any Tier 3. The reward is +6XP, a Lifeline, and +6 Gold.

Level 5 Quest: Uncommon Aid

This Quest will ask for a Tier 2 of a specific Uncommon Unit. The reward is +7XP, a Lifeline, and a random item component. Again, while the unit and item component is random, they remain the same for the rest of the Bounty Tales in the run.

Level 6 Quest: Rare Aid

This Quest will ask for a Tier 2 of a specific Rare Unit. The reward is +8XP, a Lifeline, and a random item component. Again, while the unit and item component is random, they remain the same for the rest of the Bounty Tales in the run.

Champion Tales

The Champion Tale is a special Room that occurs just before the Boss Room. Two Champions are randomly chosen and the player must select one, displeasing the other. [Citation needed about the random champion choices...it may be only specific pairs?]. The displeased Champion will become the final boss of Act 3 with a specific bonus.

After selecting a Champion, there will be three options. The third option will generally have a longer term investment as well as pleasing that champion. In Act 3, they will give you an additional bonus. as a reward.

Dungeon Tales

The Dungeon Tale is a special room that occurs just before the Boss Room. The Dungeon will be dependent on which Region the player is in.

Region Dungeon
Hexad City Estate Manor
The Golden Desert Mystery of the Tomb
Bana'al Caverns
Clockwerk Industries

There are three stages for each Dungeon. At each stage you have the choice to Run Away! with your current Accrued Rewards & Penalties (which can be none if you Run Away! immediately) or Proceed. If you Proceed, a 20-sided Die will be rolled. Depending on your characters Background and Race, up to 2 6-sided Dice may also be rolled. If you proceed, you will always gain the Skill Check Reward, but you may also gain a penalty depending on how well you roll. The 1-3 rolled dice will be added up and you may be given a penalty based on the total of the dice. The risk and reward increases the further you progress into the dungeon.

Map Layout

Act 1 and 2 maps look roughly the same. They will look like the table below:

Act 1 & 2 Map
Boss Room
Champion Tale or Dungeon Tale
Combat Tale
Road Tale and Bounty Tale
Combat Tale
Region Tale
Combat Tale
Road Tale and Bounty Tale
Combat Tale

The Registrar is not a "Tale", it's where your Unit Store gets Upgraded and the player can spend Gold.

Act 3 looks slightly different and the region is always "The Grand Tournament."

Act 3 Map
Combat Tale
Combat Tale
Region Tale
Combat Tale
Combat Tale
Region Tale

This time the Registrar doesn't upgrade the Unit Store, but instead gives the Tournament Competitor Perk, which reads "Any loss will cause the run to end in defeat, regarless of your remaining Hearts. Combats will yield no rewards." Even though combat grants no rewards, there is still a free shop after combat.