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A Perk is a modifier that will affect the rest of the run. Perks can be positives or negatives and gained in a variety of ways.

List of Perks

Level-up Perks

These perks are chosen from a selection of three when levelling up. Some perks have minimum level requirements as shown below. Some perks may also be dependent on what units the player has.

(Wiki is in progress)
Level 2+ Level 3+ Level 4+ Level 5+
Trait Marks
Bug Mark
Trait Boosts
Bug Boost
Trait Pivots
Bug Pivot

Character Perks

These are the Perks the player can start the run with. Ancestral, Class, Aspiration, and Profession Powers can be enabled or disabled before selecting a Character. Each Character has a specific set of starting Perks.

Base Characters
Character Name Ancestral Power Class Power Aspiration Power Profession Power
Singrim Boldpebble Gnome Wizard Aspiration: Find Love Professor's Familiar
Alidanna High Elf Ranger Aspiration: Write a Book Fisherman's Familiar
Zamfir Satyr Barbarian Aspiration: Gain Knowledge Noble's Familiar
Brax the Breaker Half-Giant Monk Aspiration: Make Friends Blacksmith's Familiar
Ifreyes Hellborn Rogue Aspiration: Become Famous Farmer's Familiar
Thokor Gold Dragonkin Paladin Aspiration: Get Revenge Occult Familiar
Cedric Human Cleric Aspiration: World Domination Chaplain's Favor
WIP Character
WIP Character

The Perks and Characters are gained by unlocking the "Coded Character" feature and then entering the code listed in the Code Column. These special characters feature one new special Perk, but otherwise use a combination of three starting perks from the base set of nine.

Custom Code Characters
Character Name Ancestral Power Class Power Aspiration Power Profession Power Code
Peter Human Barbarian Aspiration: Amass Wealth Dino Tamer's Familiar Pedguin
Boldlin Kobold Rogue Aspiration: Make Friends Fisherman's Familiar KoboldPack
Aralis Filsah Satyr Wizard Aspiration: The Great Invention Blacksmith's Familiar GreatMaker
Iede Reen Amalgam Barbarian Aspiration: Make Friends Farmer's Familiar Amalgamation

Tale Perks

These are perks that can be acquired through various Tales.

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Region Tales Road Tales Champion Tales Dungeon Tales Miscellaneous